
Dressing, a Dilemma.

Many of my clients get so hung up on the calories, fat, and protein in and on their bowl of leaves, they skip over some of the most useful pieces of information— the ingredients in the dressing on the salad.

Sure, calories matter to an extent but all calories are not created equally and some dressings can take a perfectly happy and healthy salad and make it inflammatory.

Here are some tips for choosing salad dressings wisely…


Do you love cinnamon? Read this.

A sprinkling of cinnamon may be good for your health but perhaps only if you are consuming the right type. The other may actually be damaging.

One of the most common types of cinnamon contains a chemical compound called coumarin.

Coumarin is considered a potential carcinogen and can cause liver damage in large doses so if you are consuming cinnamon because of its health benefits, you may want to read this.


Hello, from the Founder.

Hi! It’s been a while since I have said hello. My name is Lauren, the Founder of Feel Good Dallas and a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.

As a holistic nutritionist, I believe everything is connected. Regardless of whether a client comes to me with chronic migraines, depression, anxiety, or to lose weight, etc. —> I start at the same place: I look at gut health, nutrient density (and simplicity) of diet, digestion, elimination, sleep, hydration, supplementation, etc.

Read more about my story and how to work with me.


Be the Magic, Now.

The reality is, the only thing holding us back from being **truly** happy are just illusions. 

We are not talking about the practice of “being more present.”

We confuse BEING JOY with SEEKING joy. We are waiting to achieve X before we can fully enjoy Y.

What is stopping you from enjoying life now? The answer could change your life.


Improve Your Health. Spice Up Your Life.

Whoever said “butter and bacon make everything better” had not met these spice blends.

Whether you are self-proclaimed Chef, a newbie in the kitchen… or heck! Just trying to get a delicious meal on the table without a big fuss, these healthy spice blends are guaranteed to truly elevate your culinary game without the need for excess salt, oil, sugar, etc.

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Subscribe to get the latest info on all things wellness in DFW.