
Lose Weight this Holiday Season

Simple carbs (like chips, crackers and bread), spike insulin levels, which in turn helps our body make serotonin and therefore light up the brain’s pleasure center… The problem is that the joy it brings is only temporary.

A diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates will often be followed by weight gain, mood-swings and the constant need for carbs to feel emotionally satisfied. 

Get results this holiday season with a plan of action.


Dressing, a Dilemma.

Many of my clients get so hung up on the calories, fat, and protein in and on their bowl of leaves, they skip over some of the most useful pieces of information— the ingredients in the dressing on the salad.

Sure, calories matter to an extent but all calories are not created equally and some dressings can take a perfectly happy and healthy salad and make it inflammatory.

Here are some tips for choosing salad dressings wisely…


The Scoop on Soup. Is it healthy?

If your typical salad, or smoothie does not sound appetizing right now, relax— our bodies are designed to crave watery, light and cooling food during the longer, sunnier, summer months and heavier, warmer foods, as the days get shorter and colder. 

Soup can be a delicious and healthy option! But… if you are picking up soup at the store, you might want to read these tips on how to select a healthy soup. Many store bought soups can leave you feeling puffy and just ICK.


What’s really in your wine and spirits?

Hungover? We hate that for you. But the interesting thing is, it may not actually be related to the alcohol.

Truth Bomb: There are no labeling laws for wine, meaning that wine is far from just a bottle of grapes and yeast. 

According to a study published by Cornell, there can be up to 72 chemical additives! EEK. Read on to learn more about your wine and spirits.